Thanks to Sheila, Eleanor, Ni, Sarah, Brian, Ping Kee for joining us for a quite ‘traditional’ Winter Menu Kaiseki Cooking Class.

Here was our menu for the day:
1. Sakizuke (The Appetiser) 胡麻豆腐 Gomadofu – Sesame ‘Tofu’
2. Wanmono (The Seasonal Broth) 鴨くずたたき、白髪 ネギ、花人参 Kuzutataki Duck with Finely Julienned Leeks, Carrot Flowers and Sugar Snaps
3. Mukozuke (The Cold Dish/Sashimi) 平政キングフィッシュ、大根けん、大根おろし、生姜、大葉
Hiramasa Kingfish Sashimi
4. Yakimono (The Grilled Dish) うずらの味噌漬け幽庵焼き Miso Marinated Yuan Grilled Quail
5. Takiawase (The Simmered Dish) つと豆腐
‘Tsutodofu’- Tofu Roll with Anago (Sea Eel) with Shimeji and Snow Peas
6. Aemono (The ‘Dressed’ Dish/Salad) スカロッップ、フェンネル和え物、オレンジ釜 Scallop, Fennel Salad in an Orange Cup
7. Gohan (The Final Rice) 栗と小豆ごはん
Sweet Chestnut and Azuki Rice with Black Sesame Salt