- Sakizuke (The Appetiser): Jellyfish, Cucumber, Carrot and Black Fungus Amazu-ae クラゲ、キクラゲ、きゅうり、人参甘酢和え
- Wanmono (The Broth): Snapper Steamed with Sake and Salt, Shiraga-negi (Finely Julienned Leeks) Soba, 鯛酒塩蒸し、白髪ねぎ
- Mukozuke (The Sashimi Dish): Snapper, Calamari, Prawn ‘Sydney Harbour’ Style 鯛、スミイカ、エビ、シドニー湾盛
- Yakimono (The Grilled Dish): Wagyu ‘Hakusen’ -Age 牛肉白扇揚げ
- Takiawase (The Simmered Dish): Prawn ‘Kimini’, Okra, Shiitake 海老の黄味煮、オクラ、椎茸
- Sunomono (The Vinegared Dish): ‘Shira-ae’ – Vegetables Dressed in Tofu 白和え
- Gohan (The Final Rice): Temarizushi (Small ‘Handball’ Sushi) 手まり寿司
Menu is subject to change due to availability of ingredients and other factors.
Dashi making is covered in all classes